Owner/Tattoo Artist
Hailing from Southern Maryland, where he embarked on his tattooing journey in 1993, Dale relocated to Knoxville to establish Mythical Markings Tattoo Studio in May 1996. Fueled by a fervent passion for tattoo artistry, Dale ventured into the realm of custom designs. Over time, he has garnered national acclaim as an award-winning artist, showcasing his talents at numerous Tattoo Conventions. Dale also indulges in painting, favoring acrylics and airbrush techniques, and signs his artwork with the pseudonym "Legend." Renowned for his expertise in large-scale black and grey pieces, cover-ups, realism, portraits, and vibrant color tattoos, Dale continues to embrace these styles while also exploring the innovative territories of new school and hyper-realism tattoos.
Dale is perpetually receptive to fresh and inventive concepts. Outside of his professional life, he cherishes moments spent with his beloved family, his other great passion.
Dale is available from Sunday through most Thursdays. Feel free to call or visit us to arrange a consultation!